Home/#20 UHS Combo Cleaner/Maintainer
AQ+ Ultra is a highly concentrated disinfectant, sanitizer and deodorizer.

#20 UHS Combo Cleaner/Maintainer

UHS Combo Cleaner/Maintainer is a revolutionary, labor saving product. Designed for daily use on resilient and hard floor surfaces. Revitalizes the finish base, builds gloss and reduces labor cost by eliminating the use of multiple products (traditional cleaners and restorers) and additional steps (separate deep cleaning and restoration steps). Packaged for use exclusively in the innovative, Trumix® DC2 Chemical Management System.

F692028 – 4/64 oz.

Always dust mop the floor first. Remove gum, labels, and other attached soil deposits with a putty knife or long handled scraper. The Trumix® DC2 bottle is preset to deliver a 1:128 ratio of UHS Combo Cleaner/Maintainer solution to any appropriate end use container. Use the diluted product as directed according to the concentrate label.

pH –  9.0±1.0

Appearance – Clear, Yellow Liquid

Fragrance – Citrus

Freezing Point – About 32°F

Solubility in Water – Complete

Flash Point – None to Boiling

Autoscrub Cleaning:

  1. Dilute at 1 ounce per gallon (1:128 ratio) of cold water.
  2. Scrub with a red pad. Apply UHS Combo, scrub and pick up in one operation. Rinsing not required.
  3. Use clean water and mop/bucket to pick up any trails left from autoscrubber.

Damp Mopping:

  1. Dilute at 1 ounce per gallon (1:128 ratio) of cold water in bucket.
  2. Use a clean mop and damp mop the floor. Change the cleaning solution frequently.

Rinsing not required. Burnish for optimum results.

Water – 7732-18-5

Polyethylene glycol – 25332-68-3

Dipropylene glycol n-butyl ether – 29911-28-2

Undeceth-7 – 34398-01-1